Understanding the Rules of Campaign Literature Distribution in San Diego County Elections

Understand what you need to know about campaign literature distribution rules in San Diego County elections.

Understanding the Rules of Campaign Literature Distribution in San Diego County Elections

The San Diego Municipal Election Campaign Control, amended on December 9, 2000 by O-18846 N, S. County General Information (85) 694-39002-1-1, of the San Diego Board of Supervisors (Department Contacts and Media Information), has established rules for campaign literature distribution in San Diego County elections. The purpose of this ordinance is to place limits on campaign contributions; to prohibit certain contributions to develop a broader basis of political effectiveness; to limit the use of loans and credits in funding county elections; and to encourage the public to participate as a candidate in elections by simplifying local regulations. If you are eligible to participate in the primary election, but will not be voted for office until the general election in accordance with Section 401, 3 of the San Diego Charter, you can receive contributions for the primary election until the Registrar of Voters announces that no primary election will be held for that office. San Diego County has a specific campaign finance ordinance, called the San Diego County Campaign Finance and Control Ordinance (San Diego County Code of Regulatory Ordinances, sec.

Potential candidates should be aware that, in addition to complying with state campaign law requirements, San Diego County has passed its own transparency ordinance applicable to candidates for county elections. The ordinance requires that all candidates must file a Statement of Organization with the Registrar of Voters within 10 days after they receive or spend more than $2,000 for their campaign. This statement must include information about the candidate's campaign committee, including its name and address, as well as information about its treasurer and any other officers. Additionally, all candidates must file a Campaign Disclosure Statement with the Registrar of Voters within 10 days after they receive or spend more than $1,000 for their campaign. This statement must include information about all contributions received and expenditures made by the candidate's campaign committee. The ordinance also requires that all candidates must file a Campaign Contribution Report with the Registrar of Voters within 10 days after they receive or spend more than $1,000 for their campaign.

This report must include information about all contributions received by the candidate's campaign committee. Additionally, all candidates must file a Campaign Expenditure Report with the Registrar of Voters within 10 days after they receive or spend more than $1,000 for their campaign. This report must include information about all expenditures made by the candidate's campaign committee. The ordinance also requires that all candidates must file a Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement with the Registrar of Voters within 10 days after they receive or spend more than $1,000 for their campaign. This statement must include information about all contributions received and expenditures made by the candidate's campaign committee.

Additionally, all candidates must file a Campaign Finance Disclosure Report with the Registrar of Voters within 10 days after they receive or spend more than $1,000 for their campaign. This report must include information about all contributions received and expenditures made by the candidate's campaign committee. Finally, all candidates must file a Final Campaign Finance Disclosure Statement with the Registrar of Voters within 30 days after they receive or spend more than $1,000 for their campaign. This statement must include information about all contributions received and expenditures made by the candidate's campaign committee. In conclusion, it is important for potential candidates to understand the rules and regulations set forth by San Diego Municipal Election Campaign Control regarding campaign literature distribution in San Diego County elections. These rules require candidates to file various reports and statements with the Registrar of Voters within specified time frames.

These reports and statements provide important information about contributions received and expenditures made by a candidate's campaign committee.

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